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3D Bio Soldiers - Awesome Java Game For Java Mobile Users
File Name: 3D Bio Soldiers - Awesome Java Game For Java Mobile Users
File Type: jar
File Size: 396.13 KB
File Id: 269
Download Count: 1 time
Uploader: Siyam Jaman

Added On :
April-25-2023 (12:55pm)
Added In: Java Games
Description: On Stalin’s orders a laboratory for bio-soldiers production is created by KGB. Bio- soldiers hare gifted with amazing strength, endurance and other battle characteristics. They can destroy everything they meet on their way! ABVER (German reconnaissance) finds out this top secret information. Germany is aiming for world domination and this new invention is definitely not a part of the plan... German secret agent Hans Mueller equipped with unknown alpha-virus is sent to USSR territory. The whole laboratory and all its security personnel get infected with this virus. They become monsters and get out of control. KGB urgently sends their best agent Ivan Molotov to destroy the laboratory and eliminate infected monsters and the German spy!
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