A detailed policy on what personal information data we collect, how we use the collected data, and how ads are served to you on that collected data. We have tried our best to create this privacy policy in as lay-manterms as possible, butif you still cannot understand any part ofit, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] What data do wecollect? We collect minimal information regarding your visit. Majority ofthe information collected is used to show you advertisements, there venue from which helps keep this website online.
Currently data from your visit to Mdurbain is collected by the following organisations / parties: Mdurbain - three cookie sare stored on your computer, one to track your session across the website, one to store your device model and manufacturer, and other to bookmark the page of any ebook you arecurrently in the middle of reading.
Google Adsense -Google Adsens ecollects data regarding what you search across different websites (includingits search engine) and then displays you advertisements related to topics that could be interesting to you via display advertisement son Mdurbain. Google Adsense uses the Double Click cookie to serve advertisements.
Facebook - The user comments on Mdurbain are powered by Facebook(www.facebook.com) and hence Facebook stores and collects data about your visit to Mdurbain. You can read their data policy here and their general privacy policy here.
Statcounter - The datacollected directly by Stat Counter is mainly used to identify your state and country for statistics measurement to determine the number of people visiting Mdurbain and from which geographic are asof the world. Statcounter does collect your IP address but that information is not used to identify you in any way. You can read their privacy policy here. Mdurbain does not collect any other information regarding the user visiting this website.
What are cookies anddo we use them? Cookies are stored by websites and used to store very little amounts of information on your computer. These are stored by a website and Mdurbain stores two cookies onyour computer. Every major website needs to store cookies in order to function properly. Mdurbain stores asessions cookie and a cookie to bookmark the current page of any ebook you were reading on Mdurbain so that you can easily jump to the page you were reading when you visit Mdurbain from the same device next time. It is very important for Mdurbain to store some cookies on your device in order to function properly. Cookies are also stored by Google Adsense and some third party ad services to show you relevant advertisements. Google's use of advertising cookie senables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites onther Internet. Were commend our users to not reject any cookies either from Google or Mdurbain. It is perfectly safe and legal. If how ever, you do not want to accept any cookies, you are always free to configure your browser to disallow cookies. Here is a link on how to do that for major browsers: How to Disable and Clear Cookies in All Major Browsers How do I opt out of personalised advertising? Google Adsense is the only ad serving system_____active on Mdurbain and this is how this website survives. We need advertising revenues tokeep the website a floatand keep providing you free stuff for your mobile, so its verytimportant that the Google Adsense part of our website functions normally without impairment. How ever, if you would like to disable personalised advertising completely, opt out of the personalised GoogleAdsense program here: https://www.google.com/settings/adsand opt out of any other third party personalised adserving programs here: http://www.aboutads.info/choices/. Users in the European Uniong eographical area are not shown personalised ads as Google Adsense does not collect profiling information about them. How do I disable cookies? Please note that cookies are very important for proper functioning of this website, but disabling cookies will not impair the major functions of this website, though it will not let you enjoyall the functions and features we have madefor you. To disable cookies for a specific website, or for all websites, see this link: How to Disable and Clear Cookies in All Major Browsers. This document is not final and may change in the future as our data collection changes. If you have any doubts or cannot find an answer to your questions or need some clarification, just write us a mail at mdurbainwebmaster@gmail. comand we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for using Mdurbain!