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Racing Moto - Amazing Android Moto Racing Game
File Name: Racing Moto - Amazing Android Moto Racing Game
File Type: apk
File Size: 8.12 MB
File Id: 273
Download Count: 1 time
Uploader: Siyam Jaman

Added On :
April-27-2023 (8:18am)
Added In: Android Games
Description: Fast paced racing game! You never dare drive so fast in the real world! Racing Moto is a fast paced racing game. You never dare drive so fast in the real world! Control your moto with incredible fast speed during traffic rush time! Also enjoy beautiful view during the journey - desert, city, bridge, sea and forest! Intuitive game rules: # Tilt phone to control moto direction # Tap screen to accelerate Tips to win high score: # Keep accelerating moto so that the score will be boosted. The boost factor is shown on the right top of the screen. # Watch out indicator light. Vehicles may turn left or right. Enjoy feeling super speedy moto racing! Please give us your feedback, rate or comment if you like this game!
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